Moving Your Dog to Your New Long Island Home
By maffuccimoving April 27, 2020
Are you concerned about your dog’s wellbeing during your next relocation? Here are some useful tips that will help to keep your dog safe and stress-free while making the process much simpler for you too!
Consider Your Dog’s Personality and Anxieties
Like people, every dog is different, and you probably know your furry-friend best. So, take some time to think about your pet’s temperament and other issues that might make moving difficult. Next, come up with a plan or two for each problem that considers your dog’s unique personality. For example:
- Some dogs have separation anxiety—take them on the trip with you.
- Some dogs have anxiety around noise and new people—have a friend dog sit while you move.
- Provide opportunities to get used to a moving crate and car rides.
- In extreme cases, talk to your vet about medications or other ways to soothe your pet during the move.
Notify the Vet and Update Their ID
Get caught up on all vet visits well before the move date, just to make sure this task doesn’t get lost in the shuffle. During your vet appointment, make sure to update microchip information if your dog has one. Also remember to update dog tags so that they reflect your new address and phone number.
Provide Toys and Exercise
Moving can be stressful, even for dogs that are good at traveling. A good chew toy, bone, or familiar plush friend can ease their anxiety. If your pet is riding in a carrier, simply place the comfort item inside with them. If your dog is riding shotgun, keep a toy on hand for safe and easy retrieval.
In any case, make sure you take frequent rest breaks so your dog can unleash some pent-up energy and, you know, do their business in the process!
Bring Dog Waste Bags
Be a responsible pet owner by bringing some dog waste bags with you. That way, you can clean up the mess after your dog takes his or her potty breaks! Here are some additional items you will need to bring along for the journey:
- Health and Vaccination Records
- Updated ID Tags
- Pet First-Aid Kit
- Extra Towels
Don’t Leave Your Dog for Long
After you make it to your new home, remember that your dog will have a difficult time getting adjusted. Like small children, dogs are creatures of habit and they need you to be a constant presence in their new home in order to avoid too much stress.
If possible, avoid separation from your dog for the first few days after your move. If you have to run an errand, make it quick.
You should also monitor you dog closely when you let them go outside to relieve themselves. A new location might cause them to wonder off.
Additional tips for after the move:
- Do your best to maintain usual routines like feeding times, walks, and play.
- Confine you dog to one room while you unpack your home.
- Try to keep calm; your pet’s mood often depends on your own.
Moving with pets is much like moving with a small child, so it’s great that you are taking the time to research tips for a safer and more stress-free experience!
Could you use more help? For Long Island movers that offer full-service solutions, honest pricing, and customer service that rivals other Long Island moving companies, contact Maffucci Moving & Storage today for a free cost estimate!
By maffuccimoving April 27, 2020