Can I Move During Coronavirus?
By maffuccimoving May 14, 2020
At Maffucci Moving & Storage, the health of our customers and our employees is our first priority during the COVID-19 (Coronavirus) outbreak. That being said, we know that life continues to move and so do you, so we will continue to provide
essential services to our customers in the New York and Long Island Market.
Every day our drivers, crews, perform selfless acts to ensure families have the ability to shelter-in-place with the basic belongings they need to carry on. Moving during coronavirus can be done, and we’re working hard to mitigate the spread of the virus.
How Do I Move Safely During COVID-19?
First, our network is following CDC guidelines to protect customers and crews. Most of our headquarters staff is working remotely so that essential employees can do their jobs with a much lower risk of contracting the virus. We’re of course implementing the suggestions you’ve heard about washing hands regularly and limiting contact.
To make this process as safe and easy for our valued customers, we are offering free virtual estimates to limit the number of people entering your home. Those who do need to be in your home to pack or load your belongings will greet you with smiles rather than handshakes. In addition, we’ve put together the checklist below to offer more guidance to our employees:
Maffucci’s Moving During Coronavirus Prevention Checklist:
- Agents will verify that workers have not been ill recently, specifically with a fever, and are not showing any symptoms.
- Inform crew members on procedures to be followed at residence as detailed here.
- Drivers will call the customer in advance to confirm they have not been ill recently, particularly with a fever, and are currently not showing any symptoms.
- Drivers will call ahead of time to apartment complexes and senior communities to become familiarized with the environment.
- Crews will avoid handshakes.
- All employees will wash hands frequently and keep hands away from the face.
- Crews will use hand sanitizer before and after each job.
- Crews will maintain a distance of six feet from others to the extent possible.
Looking to Make A Move Today? We Can Help.
The coronavirus outbreak is a serious situation. However, moving companies are essential businesses in New York, so our drivers and crews are bravely performing their roles. If you’re moving during the coronavirus, call Maffucci Moving & Storage and we’ll be happy to help talk you through the process. Get in touch today!
By maffuccimoving May 14, 2020